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  • Be Calm and Carry On

    “When we sit down with other people for a potentially difficult conversation, details of setting, ambience, invitation approach, preparatory emails, and conversational guidelines can go a long way to helping “steady” individuals just enough to sit with the discomfort of contradictory ideas in the space between someone and their conversation partner(s). Over time, as many others have learned for themselves, such dialogical practice can similarly help train mind(s) in a direction of more collective clarity, equanimity, and calm, even in the face of continuing pressures, triggers, and provocations around us all.”

    How Mindfulness Can Help Bridge Political Divides, by Jacob Hess

    Anybody activated lately related to politics?  Some folks experiencing pleasant emotions, others unpleasant. Learning to navigate the world of “let me get your attention” and staying present with it all can be a practice. How to stay “steady” through the joys and sorrows of it all is not a new pattern, just new data. 

    I find mindfulness meditation supports my intention to be calm and carry on….if only for a moment.

    Mindfulness Meditation

    Mondays & Thursdays

    12:15 – 12:45 pm

    Room 407 @ Second Presbyterian Church

    7700 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN  46260


    Zoom! –

    Meeting ID: 839 9833 7582 – Password:  672891

    Join others in Mindfulness Meditation on Mondays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm. Brief discussion, followed by silent practice and concluding with observations, comments or wonderings. Take refuge in the present moment. Mindfulness Meditation is the opportunity to rest in Presence in a supportive environment with others. No experience, fee or registration is necessary.

    P. Scott Sweet, LCSW, LCAC

    Executive Director

    CenterPoint Counseling