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  • Allowing It All

    Just finished reading “The Five Invitations” by Frank Ostaseski, “Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully” and I highly recommend it.  A premise is that impermanence is one of the known patterns we will experience in life, daily.  Why wait to the end of our life to “learn” this lesson?  In exploring now, perhaps we do begin to live fully.  Certainly, we know that none of us will get out of here alive.

    The night before my open-heart surgery, my 26-year-old son Gabe and I had a tender conversation. Our sharing was filled with reminiscing, kindness, and laughter.

    At one point, Gabe became quite serious and asked, “Dad, are you going to live through this surgery?”

    Now I love my son beyond words, and like any father, I wanted to reassure him that I would be just fine. I felt into my experience before answering. Then I heard myself say, “I’m not taking sides.”

    I find mindfulness meditation supports my intention to not take sides, allowing it all….if only for a moment.

    Mindfulness Meditation

    Mondays & Thursdays

    12:15 – 12:45 pm

    Room 407 @ Second Presbyterian Church

    7700 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN  46260


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    Meeting ID: 839 9833 7582 – Password:  672891

    Join others in Mindfulness Meditation on Mondays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm. Brief discussion, followed by silent practice and concluding with observations, comments or wonderings. Take refuge in the present moment. Mindfulness Meditation is the opportunity to rest in Presence in a supportive environment with others. No experience, fee or registration is necessary.

    P. Scott Sweet, LCSW, LCAC