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  • Being With The Unpleasant

    “Just think of all the things we do to avoid being bored….to avoid being lonely…as they are unpleasant….

    There is a great healing power that can take place when we are willing to open to the difficult aspects of our minds and our emotions.”

    Joseph Goldstein, Working with Fear, The Path to Insight, ~39 minutes,

    Waking Up via Sam Harris = 30 Day Free Access

     A couple quotes amongst an hour lecture on fear….doesn’t do it justice.  It’s a reminder to me that “it all belongs” (aka Richard Rohr) and my ability to “be with” the unpleasant allows integration.  Here is a link of personal reminders, and this lecture reminds me of my continued work on #8 & #9 for whatever it’s worth….  

     I find mindfulness meditation supports my intention to practice being with the unpleasant….if only for a moment.

    Mindfulness Meditation

    Mondays & Thursdays

    12:15 – 12:45 pm

    Room 407 @ Second Presbyterian Church

    7700 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN  46260


    Zoom! –

    Meeting ID: 839 9833 7582  Password:  672891

    Join others in Mindfulness Meditation on Mondays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm. Brief discussion, followed by silent practice and concluding with observations, comments or wonderings. Take refuge in the present moment.  Mindfulness Meditation is the opportunity to rest in Presence in a supportive environment with others. No experience, fee or registration is necessary.