Living In The Now

It is not an easy premise, staying with the now, particularly if it’s unpleasant. What does “The realism of now” mean? I wonder if it’s a phrase that points to acknowledging and engaging with the present moment as it truly is, without illusions, idealizations or avoidance? Yes, not easy as I am a story making machine, the “I” in me has little space between the realism of the now and the past/future part of my brain.
If I can stay mindful, stay with the moment, it does seem to allow me to be the “observer” of it all; thus avoid some of my common personal imprisonments. To be with the present, having faith in Presence allows a bigger whole, and in turn, less mental illness/suffering.
I find mindfulness meditation supports my intention to be living in the now….if only for a moment.
Mondays & Thursdays
12:15 – 12:45 pm
Room 407 @ Second Presbyterian Church
7700 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260
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Meeting ID: 839 9833 7582 Password: 672891
Join others in Mindfulness Meditation on Mondays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm. Brief discussion, followed by silent practice and concluding with observations, comments or wonderings. Take refuge in the present moment. Mindfulness Meditation is the opportunity to rest in Presence in a supportive environment with others. No experience, fee or registration is necessary.
P. Scott Sweet, LCSW, LCAC